Feel Lazy to update my blog,
But when while i reading others blog..
I think blog is also a good thing to remind us
About our memory and the sad or happy memory..
Remind us how many did we growth,
What we did in these day,
What we get and what we lose,
What we learned from our life..
May be the reader cant get it..
But when we read back..
It really Remind me alot..alot..
Life is just like a drawing without eraser..
I agreed this!!
I always look at the clock and think about
How can the time pass so fast..
Second by second, minit by minit
Time was gone cant be return
How much time i left?
And what the thing to do make my life meaningful..
Which part should i start to do to appreciate
people beside me..my family..
by saying is always easier than doing..
So god teach me to become
A good daughter,
A good sister..
A good girlfriend..
But i always confident about im not a bad girl!!
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